SUFFERINGS are the opportunities to develop your soul. It is a learning period of your life. Sufferings always come with a new lesson. It is the most sensitive period of our life. We feel emotionally low and weak. Sufferings come in disguise. We think that we are unfortunate but actually, we grab real strength from sufferings. Sufferings are the real teachers which train us to live a happy life. Sufferings bring change in life and it is a wake-up call for us. Sometimes we live a monotonous life without realizing that we need to change ourselves or any part of our life. So, in such a situation suffering gives us a jerk and shake us to become serious about some important aspects of life that we were ignoring. Sufferings are blessings.


When suddenly any change takes place in our life, we are not ready to face it. Moreover, if it is against our wishes or expectations, we feel helpless and disturbed. We don,t want to experience it and wish that it gets over soon. But it doesn’t happen so. And if it is prolonged, it increases our stress level. We feel helpless and consider ourselves to be unfortunate. We try hard to resist it. But the more you resist, it persists. As everything happens for a reason. We overlook our lessons in sufferings. They persist in your life till you learn your lesson finally. The sooner you learn your lesson, the better is the outcome of your suffering. We face different difficulties in life at different ages. And the type of suffering is different individually. But each of us suffers in life. The level of suffering also varies from person to person.  It all depends on our mental strength and perception. Sufferings give us an opportunity to see a new perspective of life and shift our attention to other things we were ignoring. You can continue to suffer or you can move on towards your growth after learning your lesson. The choice is yours.


Sufferings end when we learn our lesson finally. Actually, they come into our lives to provide us some wisdom. They enlighten us with knowledge which we only learn when we suffer. GAUTAM BUDDHA never faces any suffering in his life till his youth. The moment he saw a person lying on road in a poor condition, he left all his luxuries of life, his palace, and his family. He understood that life is temporary and death is inevitable. All luxuries and happiness and sadness are illusions. Only our consciousness is permanent. All our mental and physical strength lies in our consciousness. And we create our consciousness ourselves. If we only focus on outside materialistic pleasures, we can’t be happy and content forever. Our inner happiness is generated when we unfold our inner gifts like intelligence, talent, our ability to love ourselves and others unconditionally. No matter how the situation is in our life, we must try to make peace within ourselves and keep a stable state of mind. Only a stable and calm mind finds ways to come out of suffering. Life is a journey. We can give any turn to our life with the right choices without being distracted by lust, greed, and unrealistic desires. These are the real cause of suffering. But we are human beings. We are sometimes distracted by these things. We have the ability to overcome these distractions. Firstly, Meditation is one the most powerful tool to grow our wisdom and increase our focus on our true goals of life. Secondly, our capacity to love all is the remedy to end suffering. Thirdly, forgiveness brings peace in life.FORGIVENESS.

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