We offer marital and pre-marital counselling. Marital counselling helps the couple to understand each other’s? expectations, desires, and feelings in their relationship. It helps them to find true friendship and happiness in their marriage. It can save your broken marriage and make your relationship long lasting.
If you want to save your relationship don’t hesitate to take help and contact us soon before its too late.
A child is the happiness of every family. When a child smiles, parents smile. To see your child learning bad manners and wrong ways is the cause of parent’s sorrow and anxiety. If you see your child is violent, sad,? learning bad behavior or scoring low in academics, you must seek child counselling sessions quickly. Child counselling helps a child to modify his/her behaviors, to learn good manners, to improve score in school and also to unfold his qualities and find his/her inner self.
Family is the basic unit of our society. Healthy families can construct a healthy society. Family problems and disputes among family members can destroy a family. Dysfunctional family damages the future of all family members. Family counselling is one such tool which helps to unite a broken family. It helps all family members to have a common understanding and develop love among them. It can build a constructive family.
Parenting is a beautiful job. But people say it is very challenging and tough to look after your child well. These days parents are facing many problems during raising their child like poor behavior, bad eating habits, poor attention in studies, poor social skills, excessive use of phone and many more. Parental counselfing is a boon today as it immensely helps parents to deal with the bad behavior and poor habits of their children. Moreover, it gives good and right guidance for the productive upbringing of their children. It teaches them beautiful techniques to solve their children’s problems.
The teenage or adolescent period is a roller coaster ride. It is a period when a child is stepping into a new world of many conflicts. Suddenly a child faces many responsibilities and conflicts like the choice of career, the burden of studies, hormonal issues, opposite-sex attraction, self-identification and meeting their parent’s expectations. These days teenagers are also dealing with anxiety, phobias, fears, and depression. It is a very sensitive period of their life which should be dealt with care and good understanding. This is the period when they need maximum help and emotional support from their parents but parents are least bother for them as they feel that teenagers are now mature enough to understand their expectations, views and their duties very well which is not true. And this is the only period when parents and teenagers conflicts start. Sometimes parents are unable to understand their underlying emotions, fears, and desires. Therefore every teenager needs counselling for their career, inner conflicts, misunderstanding with parents, teachers and other elders.
Never delay when your teenager child is suffering due to such issues as the suicidal rate is increasing among them. Teenager counselling helps them to understand their problems and find a solution. It helps them to build their career and leads them towards positive actions for their better future.
Every adult wants to live a happy and beautiful life. Everybody wants a good career, good health, and a beautiful relationship. To make a balance among all aspects of life, we need a healthy mind and anxiety-free life. But every adult is dealing with some issues in his/her life. Due to which, today most of them are suffering with mental disorders like GAD, phobias, OCD, fears, depression, etc. Before it is too late, consult with psychologists and counsellors to deal with your life problems. Today counselling is the best remedy to fight with life issues and to live a healthy life. Every human being has a right to live a fruitful life and to enjoy freedom from stress. Counselling helps you to resolve your emotional and mental problems. So that you can overcome your stress and anxiety soon and do not feel that life is a burden.
These counselling sessions are arranged for a group on a specific topic. This type of counselling is beneficial for school students, any particular group or for companies where many people can attend this session on a particular problem together. A counsellor discusses that topic/problems with the group and gives them techniques to deal with it and also give solutions to the group.